CaRE Project for Teams
The CaRE Project is an arts based intervention supporting healthcare teams in recovering from adverse events and building a compassionate, resilient and responsive team culture.
Category: Conferences & Workshops, Groups, Items of Interest... →
Is Online Therapy Right for Me?
Find out how to decide if online therapy is right for you. Online therapy has some surprising upsides as well as unique challenges!
Category: Items of Interest... →
Efficacy of DMP in an Adult NHS Mental Health Rehabilitation Setting
An article written by Jenni de Knoop for the CNWL NHS Foundation Trust on her work with adult rehabilitation patients.
Category: Groups, Items of Interest... →
Charlie Brown & a Basic Dance Movement Psychotherapy Principle
A wonderful and light hearted example of a basic DMP (Dance Movement Psychotherapy) principle from Charlie Brown – our mind shapes our body and our body shapes our mind!
Category: Items of Interest... →
Dance Movement Psychotherapy principles reflected in mainstream media
Here is an article from Red Magazine (February 2015 issue – demonstrating how Dance Movement Psychotherapy principles are being reflected in mainstream media. The article cites research into how changing our posture can directly affect how we […]
Category: Items of Interest... →
An Introduction to the European Association Dance Movement Therapy
There are a number of professional movement psychotherapy associations in Europe, including: Germany, Poland, Russia, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, Hungary, Greece, and Latvia, and here in the UK we have ADMP UK. The European Association Dance Movement Therapy (EADMT) is […]
Category: Items of Interest... →