
through movement

Royal College of Psychiatrists Logo

Facilitating Workshop at the London 2023 Medical Psychotherapy Conference

On Tuesday 18th April, 2023, Jenni de Knoop and Prof. Dominik Havsteen-Franklin are facilitating a workshop at the annual Medical Psychotherapy Conference in London. This conference examines how the current global crisis can bring us all together. In line with this, Jenni and Dominik’s workshop, “Embodying creativity in NHS team development”, offers experiential opportunities to explore how creativity can support healthcare teams to work better together.

This invitation to participate in the conference follows the success of the CNWL NHS Foundation Trust CaRE Project and the positive findings from Dominik and Jenni’s recently published research paper entitled “Evaluation of an arts therapies approach to team development for non-acute healthcare teams in low control and high-pressure environments“.

Category: Conferences & Workshops, Items of Interest... →


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